Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Journey Begins

So there I was, attempting to join the ranks of all other tech-savvy, hip, young people, when I accidentally deleted my entire first blog entry and had to start over. Blast. Since my departure for Germany is imminent and I am a notoriously poor correspondent, I am attempting to open all lines of communication. I have an internet phone number, an email address (of course) a MySpace page, and now this blog. I hope that's enough for people or I'm in trouble. Today we are at T-minus 9 days. (Where does the saying "t-minus" come from?)

Truth be told, I am terrified. Seriously, who thought it would be a good idea for me to wander off to a country where I barely speak the language, don't know a soul, and won't be able to afford weinerschnitzel? Some days though, I am excited. I will be experiencing all kinds of new things, and I'll be doing it all on my own, however I want. That part doesn't sound half bad. Well, not entirely on my own--Sophie is coming too.

So here is my Blogspot page. Ta da! Thus far, I haven't figured out how to do anything useful with it (besides delete blogs accidentally), but I am optimistic. I am optimistic about Germany too. As the Magic-8 ball would say, "Outlook positive."

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